upcoming events

Dates 2024/25


Pre-school Department – Group A (children aged 2 – 3.5 years): 10.00 am – 11.00 am
Pre-school Department – Group B (children aged 3.5 – 5 years): 12.00 pm – 2.00 pm
School Department – Year 0 – Year 9 (children aged 5 – 15 years): 10.00 am – 2.00 pm 

1. half-term: 7. 9., 14. 9., 21. 9., 28. 9., 5. 10., 12. 10., 19. 10.      
2. half-term: 2. 11., 9. 11., 16. 11., 23. 11., 30. 11., 7. 12., 14. 12. 
3. half-term: 11. 1., 18. 1., 25. 1., 1. 2., 8. 2.
4. half-term: 1. 3., 8. 3., 15. 3., 22. 3., 29. 3., 5. 4.
5. half-term: 26. 4., 3. 5., 10. 5., 17. 5.
6. half-term: 7. 6., 14. 6., 21. 6., 28. 6., 5. 7., 12. 7.


Wednesday: 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm

1. half-term: 18.9., 25.9., 2.10., 9.10., 16.10.   
2. half-term: 6. 11., 13. 11., 20. 11., 27. 11., 4. 12., 11. 12.
3. half-term: 8. 1., 15. 1., 22. 1., 29. 1., 5. 2., 12. 2.
4. half-term: 26. 2., 5. 3., 12. 3., 19. 3., 26. 3., 2. 4.
5. half-term: 23. 4., 30. 4., 7. 5., 14. 5., 21. 5.
6. half-term: 4. 6., 11. 6., 18. 6., 25. 6., 2. 7., 9. 7.

New long-term educational project by CSWBL

Intended for children in the second stage (middle school level)

Students of Year 8 were answering questions about Czech School. You can hear their answers in Czech.

Q: What is the advantage of studying at Czech School?

Q: What activities do you do at Czech School?

Q: What do you like about Czech School?

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